RTC Closure of All Campuses

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RTC Closure of All Campuses
Jennifer Andrews
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RTC Closure of All Campuses

Tēnā koutou katoa, 

We are sorry to tell you that we will be closing Regent Training Centre this week. We are doing this to help our RTC whānau and your whānau to stay safe and well. There will be no classes this week. We know his action will help Aotearoa and our government to reduce the spread of Covid-19. This is the best thing for us to do right now.  

While we are closed we hope that you will stay in touch with your classmates and friends . Your tutors will check in with you when they can.

Don’t be shy about contacting the staff because they will be working hard (while you are not onsite with them). Some of the work  they will be doing will make things better for you when you come back to class with your friends. They will be planning activities for you to do, and improving assessments so that they clearly check that you have learned what we want you to  learn (and not just your reading and writing skills).

Information will be posted on our facebook account and websites, and you are welcome to call RTC on 0800 REGENT (0800 734 368) if you want to speak to one of us.

Stay safe, stay well and take care of each other.


Noho ora mai,

RTC Whānau

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