20 March 2020

Latest Updates

20 March 2020
Jennifer Andrews
/ Categories: Uncategorized

20 March 2020

Kia ora koutou,

After much consideration, on Friday 20 March, we are closing all RTC campuses to all learners and clients (and visitors) for the day.

This is to allow staff to work on planning and strategies for next week and the future to better support:

•             Raised anxiety levels of learners and clients

•             How to put effective social distancing into our spaces, and further pandemic training

•             Resources and future planning for rangatahi and clients should places of education have to close at any point

It is our intention to do the best for our staff, clients and learners; hence, this decision is in line with our core values of putting people first.  We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause to you, however we are sure that you understand that these are unprecedented times.

Currently it is our expectation to be open again as usual from Monday 23 March; if this needs to change, we will use social media platforms to advise you as early as we can.

With utmost respect and aroha,

RTC Board and Management

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