RTC - Moving into Alert Level 2

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RTC - Moving into Alert Level 2
Jennifer Andrews
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RTC - Moving into Alert Level 2

Kia ora koutou,

We are so grateful to our learners and clients who have continued to engage and study with us during lock down and during Alert Level 3.   Thank you for being so adaptable and flexible to be able to continue your learning with us at RTC, we appreciate you.

RTC has been planning and preparing our campuses for the change in Alert Levels and what this will mean for teaching and learning for you.  However we are not in Alert level 2 yet and we will not know when we will be until the government announcement.  At the moment, please do not come onto campus until you have been told to do so by your Tutor.

What does Level 2 Alert look like at RTC?

You will be able to attend campuses and all programmes of study will be taught at campuses, with some days learning at home as well.  We hope to have our Van pick ups running, however we need more clarity on this, so await government input.  When we know more, we will be able to share more information with you.

In preparation for learners being able to come back to campuses in a limited way, we have:

  • Cleaned the campuses and our fleet of vans,
  • Placed sanitiser at all receptions, kitchenettes, classrooms,
  • Have restrictions around group contacts,
  • Increased campus cleaning rosters to include day time rotational cleaning focusing on high touch points, as well as status signs in bathrooms. 
  • If you did not use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) before COVID-19 in your programme, you don’t need it now. For example, gloves, masks or screens for additional protection while working are not needed, however you may be required to wear a mask on our vans.

There are requirements for a higher level of personal cleanliness and hygiene as should have become the new normal now anyway, such as frequent hand washing and coughing into elbows.  Some level of social distancing on campus will need to continue to help keep us all safe.

When does Alert Level 2 begin?

On Monday, May 11 the Prime Minister will announce the timing of our next change in Alert Levels.  There will be 48 hours’ notice provided to RTC for the final preparation of further opening of our campuses and learning centres.  The earliest we could open up again fully is Thursday 14 May. This does not mean that we will stay in Level 2, we have to be ready to change Alert Levels up again within 48 hours.  Please wait to hear from your Tutor before returning to your campus, and what days it will be.

We excited to be able to see you all soon!

Ngā mihi nui,

RTC Staff

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